Good Response
See Tutorial (Click here)

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Tutorial GR

Add Autores.

Autores for
Whatsapp []

Email []

SMS []

Shorcode (default):

{grid} for call GR ID
{name} for call Name
{phone} for call Phone
{this_month} for call current Month like "May" or "October", etc
{this_year} for call current Year like "2023"

{product_order_total} total amount of bill (price x pc)
{product_order_total_ship_cost} total amount of bill + ship cost (price x pc + ship cost)
{product_order_qty} for call quantity
{product_order_variation} for call variation
{product_weight_total} for call total weight (weight x qty)

All name of product field like:
{product_weight} for call weight
{product_discount} for call discount
{city} for call destination city of customer
{product_currency} for call currency of price

{expedition_name} name of shipping, ex: JNE, JNT, Tiki
{expedition_service} service, ex: REG, OKE, YES
{expedition_description} desc of service, ex: service reguler, yakin esok sampai etc
{expedition_cost} delivery service fee
{expedition_etd} delivery estimate

{coupon_price_code} for call coupon code of price product
{coupon_price_value} for call amount of discount
{product_order_total_after_discount} for call total after discount price (price x pc - discount)

{coupon_ship_code} for call coupon code of shipping cost
{coupon_ship_value} for call amount of discount
{expedition_cost_after_discount} for call amount of shipping cost after discount (ship cost - discount ship)


{product_order_total_final} for final price after add discount product, shipping cost and discount shipping

{bank_account} for bank by customer choice
{payment_proof} for call url image from payment of bill
{sender_name} for call name of sender payment of bill

More setting (not required)

Text Number Radio Checkbox Email Textarea Select

Load Cloud

*PEMBELIAN {product_name} BERHASIL*

Dear {name}

Berikut detail pembelian kamu

Invoice : #{grid}

Product : {product_name}
Weight : {product_weight} gr
Variation : {product_order_variation}
Qty : {product_order_qty} pc
Price : {product_currency} ~{product_price_normal}~ *{product_price}* [{product_discount} OFF]
Total : {product_currency} {product_order_total}

Coupon : {coupon_price_code}
Discount : {product_currency} -{coupon_price_value}
Total -discount : {product_currency} {product_order_total_after_discount}

Shipping : {expedition_name}
Service : {expedition_description}
Weight Total : {product_weight_total} gr
Shipping Cost : {product_currency} {expedition_cost}

Coupon Shipping : {coupon_ship_code}
Discount Shipping : {product_currency} -{coupon_ship_value}
Cost -discount shipping : {product_currency} {expedition_cost_after_discount}
Total +shipping : {product_currency} {product_order_total_ship_cost}

Cod Cost : {order_cod}
Insurance Cost : {order_insurance}

Grand Total : {product_currency} *{product_order_total_final}*

Kota: {city}
Alamat : {address}

Silahkan transfer senilai {product_currency} *{product_order_total_final}* ke salah satu rekening berikut ini ya

BCA 123456789
Mandiri 123456789

An Good Business

Invoice =>{grid}&us=your_gr_username

Konfirmasi pembayaran disini bila sudah transfer. Pesanan akan langsung kami proses hari ini juga. :)

Have nice day..

*REMINDER PEMBELIAN {product_name}*

Hallo kak {name}
Kami mengingatkan pembelian produk {product_name}, agar bisa di gunakan hari ini juga, segera selesaikan pembayaran sesuai berikut ini

Product : {product_name}
Weight : {product_weight} gr
Variation : {product_order_variation}
Qty : {product_order_qty} pc
Price : {product_currency} ~{product_price_normal}~ *{product_price}* [{product_discount} OFF]
Total : {product_currency} {product_order_total}

Coupon : {coupon_price_code}
Discount : {product_currency} -{coupon_price_value}
Total -discount : {product_currency} {product_order_total_after_discount}

Shipping : {expedition_name}
Service : {expedition_description}
Weight Total : {product_weight_total} gr
Cost : {product_currency} {expedition_cost}

Coupon Shipping : {coupon_ship_code}
Discount Shipping : {product_currency} -{coupon_ship_value}
Cost -discount shipping : {product_currency} {expedition_cost_after_discount}
Total +shipping : {product_currency} {product_order_total_ship_cost}

Cod Cost : {order_cod}
Insurance Cost : {order_insurance}

Grand Total : {product_currency} *{product_order_total_final}*

Kota: {city}
Alamat : {address}

Silahkan transfer senilai {product_currency} *{product_order_total_final}* ke salah satu rekening berikut ini ya

BCA 123456789
Mandiri 123456789

An Good Business

Invoice =>{grid}&us=your_gr_username

Konfirmasi pembayaran disini bila sudah transfer. Pesanan akan langsung kami proses hari ini juga. :)

Have nice day..

Buat konten tentang review, testimoni, kegiatan packing, dll...


Dear {name}

Terimakasih sudah melakukan konfirmasi pembayaran ya 🤝. Produk kamu akan segera kami kirimkan ke alamat kamu..  😉

Product : {product_name}
Variation : {product_order_variation}
Qty : {product_order_qty} pc

Pengirim : {sender_name}
Bank  : {bank_account}
Struk : {payment_proof}

Shipping : {expedition_name}
Service : {expedition_description}

*Dikirim ke*
Kota: {city}
Alamat : {address}

Nama : {name}
Hp : {phone}

Untuk informasi resi, silahkan tunggu ya, akan segera kami update bila sudah mendapatkan dari ekspedisi... 😊

Have nice day..